Why Relaxing Leads To A Successful Life

It's a little known fact that baking has a lot to do with Work-Life Balance. It's true. Even if you don't bake (plenty of good bakeries out there and it might cut into your balance time), you know that the key to a delicious baked treat is following a good recipe. You wouldn't try to "balance" a cake recipe by putting equal parts baking soda and sugar into your batter. You need the right amount of each, the right mix, to produce the best results. It's all about your mix, not your balance.

So, we've identified the definition of work life balance. Now we need to find out why it's so important. Why should you have a balance between your work and life? There are many reasons for this.

This doesn't only apply to people who go to work for a company or for someone working for his own business. The fact is, no matter what you do -whether you're in the corporate world or working for your own business, you need to balance your time between work, home/family life and personal life to have a happy, fulfilled life.

With too many things to do in our lives and work taking increasingly more of our time, it is necessary to understand what is most important in our lives, what makes us happiest and most fulfilled. Those are the things to focus on in your personal time. Whether it's spending time with your family, a hobby or physical activity, find and do those things that recharge you most. Make them your priority at home. Drop the things that are unnecessary when something has to go.

I hate doing laundry and it's one task that I confess to be truly bad at. My boyfriend was even surprised when he found out about this. (Well that's what you get when you have an unfinished blog entry and he suddenly takes a peek at what you are doing.) Well, there are lots of other things I can do if I don't do the laundry. I can clean the entire house, wash the dishes, read books, catch-up with friends and a lot more. So I have someone else who's very willing do the laundry for me. This definitely helped me save time and spend this time with family, friends and loved ones. Although it comes with a price, it's nothing compared to having priceless moments with your loved ones.

Business success is something all of us are striving for, myself included, but achieving this goal is impossible without a balance at home and work. Working at home is easier once I ironed out the snags that typically get in the way of productivity. By creating a simple system, the balance of time between my family, social life and business is a no brainer.

Then, ask yourself what is the purpose of your work/job and does it align well with "who you are" and how you are wired? Does it/can it meet your needs? Do you genuinely like what you do, even though you may not really like the way you are doing it?

In this way you can intentionally create a plan for work-life balance with the goal of achieving a harmonious equilibrium. Select each element in proportion to get more info your needs at that time, with the flexibility to recreate the plan later. Decide on the priorities, plan your schedule, and mindfully focus on each activity. Create a life that incorporates a happy and fulfilling balance of work and other activities.

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